#package.xml file is recreated on the fly by Copado, no need to track unnecessary changes of this file package.xml #Managed packages can trigger the installation or uninstallation of applications, it is #recommended to manage this outside git installedPackages/* #if you are not customizing a managed package, you can keep your repository clean by ignoring #all files for that package. For example, to ignore all files of the "Copado" managed package #just add to your gitignore file the following text: copado__ #if you will be customizing managed packages, make sure that the same version of the package #is installed on all your environments so that deployments will only update existing #managed components. Creation of managed components is not permitted by the API. #It is recommended that you ignore managed components that cannot be modified #since there is no need to track them in Git, like for example: classes/copado__* triggers/copado__* pages/copado__* #Translations are complex since get updated indirectly across multiple files, they can make a deployment fail #if a field is translated in source and it doesn't exist on destination. #If you are committing incrementally new fields and new Translations you can track them in Git, just be careful. #If you choose  to ignore them in Git, you can always create a deployment with the Copado Deployer "Translation" Step. # translations/* # objectTranslations/* #Sites which has Domain mapping has environment specific information. #Make sure you setup Copado Environment Variables to make sites config files environment agnostic. #Until the above is achieved, you can ignore them as follows # sites/* # siteDotComSites/* #Documents are mostly created in Production and are not deployed between Sandboxes. You can safely ignore them in Git. documents/* .idea