Alert: Unusual Withdrawal from [[v('tenant-name')]]


Alert: Unusual Withdrawal from [[v('tenant-name')]]

On [[companyFormatDateTime('next-scheduled-payment-date')]], [[v('tenant-name')]] will attempt to withdraw a payment of $[[v('next-scheduled-payment-amount')]] from your account ending in [[evalFormula('(let [lastfour (take-last 4 (-> customer :primary :secondary-pmt-method-censored-account-number))] (str (nth lastfour 0) (nth lastfour 1) (nth lastfour 2) (nth lastfour 3)))')]]. This electronic withdrawal will be made by [[v('customer.primary.secondary-pmt-method-title')]].

This payment is unusual because it is being made through a different payment channel than your previously scheduled payment.

View the details at [[v('tenant-customer-website')]].