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Alert: Unusual Withdrawal Notice from [[v('tenant-name')]]

On [[companyFormatDateTime('next-scheduled-payment-date')]], [[v('tenant-name')]] will attempt to withdraw a payment of $[[v('next-scheduled-payment-amount')]] from your account ending in [[evalFormula('(let [lastfour (take-last 4 (-> customer :primary :primary-pmt-method-censored-account-number))] (str (nth lastfour 0) (nth lastfour 1) (nth lastfour 2) (nth lastfour 3)))')]]. This electronic withdrawal will be made by [[v('customer.primary.primary-pmt-method-type')]].


This payment is unusual because its amount varies from your regularly scheduled payment. The previous withdrawal was initiated on [[companyFormatDateTime('last-payment-date')]] for $[[v('last-payment-amount')]].

If this payment is not successful, we will add a returned payment fee to your balance on loan #[[v('loan-display-id')]].

Contact [[v('tenant-name')]] at [[v('company-phone-servicing')]] if you have any questions or need to stop this withdrawal. The institution where you have your account also may be able to assist you.

View the details at [[v('tenant-customer-website')]].


Payment breakdown

Principal [[v('status-next-payment-principal')]]

Interest [[v('status-next-payment-interest')]]

Payment Amount [[v('status-next-payment-amount')]]